Thursday, 16 May 2013

Ready for OFF

We originally planned to sail from Fehmarn on May 10th, but Pete's mother being ill delayed our departure from the UK.
Then weather and jobs to be done on Jomora has meant that we are not now leaving until 17th May.

Out of the shed

Alongside the jetty enjoying the festival

It wasn't all work however, while we were alongside the harbour jetty rigging the mast, Fehmarn had a festival. Bands playing, folk parading, and all kinds of stalls with soup, pork, fish and sweet things to eat.

Now that's a sweetie stall!

On Monday May 13th we moved the boat from Burgstaaken (which is the main working port and rather dirty) to the marina at Burgtief, all of 3km. A very nice marina in the main holiday part of the island. Here we can hoist the sails, finish the last jobs and clean up the boat before we sail to our first port, Gedser, which is on the very south east tip of Denmark.

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