Elegant buildings in Karlskrona
The area around Karlskrona is a little archipelago of its own, the furthest South in the Baltic sea so on our way south we cruised through part of it. Unfortunately it is a lot more rock strewn than the northern islands with far less sheltered natural harbours and tends to be more exposed particularly to southerly winds.
The rest of the journey south to Fehmarn was something of a delivery trip as we stopped at the same harbours as on our way north in May, Simrisham, Ystad, Gislovslage, Klintholm and Gedser. The difference was that this time we had perfect weather, (a change from the trip up!). Easterly winds meant that we could sail all the way although, with the wind aft it caused serious rolling some of the time.
Regatta party at Gislovslage
The white cliffs of Mons in Denmark, almost there!
All good things end and on 29th August we moored at Burgstaaken marina in Fehmarn where we cleaned ship, removed the sails and had the boat craned out for winter storage.
We've sailed just short of 1400NM this summer, seen some gorgeous places and met a lot of nice people.
Next year will see the long haul back to Cornwall and our mooring at Mylor.
Some more memories to share:
Not all nice weather. A freak hailstorm
Elegant Stockholm
Magnificent ships in Mariehamn
Keren the cabin boy
You get used to being close to the bumpy bits!
You also get used to really close pilotage!
- and idyllic anchorages
Our own "magic carpet"
Thanks again to her who helped make it happen
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